Sunday, July 1, 2007

A new blog and a confession

I have started blogs before. I require graduate students in my courses to create their own blogs. I have lamented about how professors should create and maintain their own blogs (See Blog Overload in the Chronicle of Higher Education). Yet, I have repeatedly failed to keep a blog going for more than a semester. Possibly, this blog will meet the same fate but I think I have discovered why my attempts have failed:

(1) There are a lot of people writing about the same kinds of things I am thinking about daily (see, for example, Chris Sessums, Will Richardson and Wesley Fryer for starters - you can also take a look at all the Blogs I subscribe to here). If I am going to take the time to write as eloquently as these folks I need to do to it for grant applications or refereed publications (i.e. the places where I receive credit for my efforts from my institution). In this blog brevity rules which brings me to my next point.

(2) I am a Mom of two young boys. I don't have a lot of extra time and they are my number one priority. I need to make sure any "extra" effort I put into my work serves a personal and professional passion.

(3) I have never targeted an audience. As a matter of fact, one of my blogs was entitled "Random Thoughts." Some people can get away with that quite well. Not me. I need a focus and my number one focus is my children. So, I plan to share with and gain ideas from other Moms trying to use technology as another tool to enrich the lives of their children.

We'll see how it goes.


Y. Denise Payne said...

I hope you keep this one going. It is of great value to me :-)

Y. Denise Payne said...

I hope you keep this one going. It is of great value to me :-)